Joey Kilgore

PhD Student studying Computer Engineering specializing in Biologically Inspired Artificial Intelligence at George Washington University.



Bachelor's of Science

Computer Science and Engineering

Completed in Spring 2021 at the University of Toledo

Associate of Science with Honors

Completed in Spring 2020 at Lorain County Community College


Research Technician 3 (08-2018 to 05-2021)

Case Western Reserve University

  • Modeled and ran simulations using NEURON
  • Recreated results of other research groups
  • Setup source control for multiple projects
  • Presented original research ideas to a group of 5 other researchers

Peer Mentor (08-2020 to 05-2021)

University of Toledo

  • Ran a 3000-level Embedded Systems lab
  • Ran a 1000-level Introduction to CSE lab
  • Graded lab reports and homework documents
  • Answered questions and guided students through projects

Sofware Development Intern (05-2018 to 08-2018)

Hyland Software

  • Updated an ASP.NET web application
  • Participated in Agile development, including a Scrum
  • Worked with SQL Database
In [52]:


Eggers, T., Kilgore, J., Green, D., Vrabec, T., Kilgore, K., & Bhadra, N. (2021). Combining direct current and kilohertz frequency alternating current to mitigate onset activity during electrical nerve block. Journal of Neural Engineering, 18(4), 046010.

Google Scholar

Additional Links

For all of my current coding projects checkout my github

Checkout my Linkedin for where I'm currently working and connect with me here

Additional Graphs

Recently I have been working on CoViD-19 Data Analysis and have a repository setup for that here

USA Graph

In [51]:
# Code for Professional Experience Graph
options(repr.plot.width = 20, repr.plot.height = 7, repr.plot.res = 100)
exp <- read.csv("./experience.csv")
exp$Start <- as.Date(paste0(exp$Start, "-01"), "%m-%Y-%d")
exp$End <- as.Date(paste0(exp$End, "-01"), "%m-%Y-%d")
exp$Experience <- sub("/n","\n",exp$Experience)
exp_plot <- ggplot(data=exp)+geom_segment(aes(x=Start,xend=End, 
        y=reorder(Experience,-Precedence), yend=reorder(Experience,-Precedence)), size=3)+
    ggtitle("Professional Experience")+
    theme(text = element_text(size=30),
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle=35, hjust=1),
        axis.text.y = element_text(angle=0, hjust=1),
         axis.title.y = element_blank(),
         axis.title.x = element_blank())