SimLogger.SimLogger module

The SimLogger module is the fundamental piece of the SimLogger package.

The SimLogger functions on the key principal that everything in a simulation can be uniquely identified with the following: 1. simTag - uniquely identifies a particular simulation configuration.

This is changed for every single test run. Everytime the parameters are changed (and you re-run your simulation) you should update your simTag accordingly.

  1. objTag - uniquely identifies a particular object within a simulation.

    This is the same across simulations, but should be a unique name for the object within the simulation.

  2. date-time string - all pickled files have an additional date-time string

    appended to the file name to avoid any accidental overwriting of data.

With that, all data can be uniquely named and pickled to file. Pickling provides an easy way to store and load files in python, and is the compression method used in the SimLogger.

This could be an example script

Which lays out the simTag for the simualtion, then defines an object we are going to save, with the objTag and then stores it with the SimLogger. This also generates an example.log file so that you can always refer somewhere to know exactly where the data has been stored.

In future analysis, the data can be loaded as needed using the following To reference the object you will need the unique id of the object, which is simTag_objTag

Within this framework, various configurations can be changed: - log file name - folder where the pickled files get saved

SimLogger.SimLogger Functions

SimLogger.SimLogger.convertLog(logfile='example.log', logdir='.')[source]

Convert a log to a csv format based on the simulation input/outputs

  • logfile (str) – the log file name

  • logdir (str) – directory where the file is located



SimLogger.SimLogger.getObjectFromUniqueId(uniqueId, objFolder='data/obj')[source]

Loads an object previously saved from the unique id ({simTag}_{objTag})

  • uniqueId (str) – Unique id of the pickled file name ({simTag}_{objTag})

  • objFolder (str) – Folder containing the pickled files


Loaded pickled object

Return type:

obj (Object)

SimLogger.SimLogger.isSimTagUsed(simTag, objFolder='data/obj')[source]

Checks if there are any objects already saved in the objFolder that uses the simTag

  • simTag (str) – Unique simulation id

  • objFolder (str) – Folder containing the pickled files


whether there are pkl files with the simTag used

Return type:

isUsed (bool)


Save a notes string to the log directly


notes (str) – text that will be written to the log



SimLogger.SimLogger.saveObj(simTag, objTag, obj, objFolder='data/obj', makeNote=False)[source]

Save an object (obj) to pickle file in the object folder. The file name will be the {simTag}_{objTag}_{dateTimeString}.pkl

  • simTag (str) – Unique tag for the simulation

  • objTag (str) – Unique tag for the object within the simulation

  • obj (Object) – Object to be pickled and saved to file

  • objFolder (str) – Folder where the pickled file will be saved

  • makeNote (bool) – Sets whether an additional note is made about the object


the unique file path where the pickled object is saved

Return type:

filePath (str)

SimLogger.SimLogger.saveSimulation(simTag, inputDict, outputDict, notes='No additional notes')[source]

Save inputs and outputs of a simulation

  • simTag (str) – Unique tag for the simulation

  • ({str (outputDict) – Object}): list of object names (keys) and the objects to be saved (values)

  • ({str – Object}): same structure as the inputDict

  • notes (str) – Additional notes to be written at the end of the log



SimLogger.SimLogger.setupLogger(fileName='example.log', githubLink=None)[source]

Initialize the logger. Sets the log directory and the default object directoy.

  • fileName (str) – file name for the log output

  • githubLink (str) – link to the github repository to allow for the note of the most recent commit to be in the form of a github link directly to that commit ex. “”

