Welcome to SimLogger’s documentation!

A simplified method for logging and saving information in scientific computing.

SimLogger seeks to simplify the process of saving and archiving data for scientific computing by handling all the file naming a storing for you.

Archive your python objects simply and easiy, and never worry about overwriting files. All data is defined with 3 key components

simTag - tag unique for each simulation (like naming the experiment)

objTag - tag unique for each object (like the variable within the experiments)

date-time - this is automatically added by SimLogger to help ensure unqiueness of files

With that you can save your data easily!


Install the python package

pip install SimLogger

To utilize the FigLogger you will need to register your machine ssh keys with kachery

Run the following command and follow the instructions


Then you can test it out!

from SimLogger import SimLogger
simTag = 'sampleSimulation'
objTag = 'sampleArray'
sampleArray = [1,2,3,4]
SimLogger.saveObj(simTag, objTag, sampleArray, makeNote=True)

# Outputs
# 2024-06-25 10:44:44,063 [INFO ] Logger Loaded
# 2024-06-25 10:44:44,064 [INFO ] OBJECT,sampleSimulation,sampleArray,data/obj/sampleSimulation_sampleArray_2024-06-25_10-44-44.pkl
# additionally a file is saved: data/obj/sampleSimulation_sampleArray_2024-06-25_10-44-44.pkl

And you can load your data later using a uniqueId

uniqueId - unique identifier that goes to the python pkl file (almost always is simTag_objTag)

from SimLogger import SimLogger
sampleArrayLoaded = SimLogger.getObjectFromuniqueId('sampleSimulation_sampleArray')

# Ouptuts
# [1, 2, 3, 4]


install all dependencies (including linting and testing) with:

pip install -e '.[lint,test,doc]

run tests with:

pytest tests/

run linting + formatting + etc with:

pre-commit run --all-files

Indices and tables